10 ways yoga and meditation can enhance children’s lives

International Day of Yoga is coming up on 21 June, 2019, which is a day intended to raise awareness of the many benefits of yoga practice across the world. Yoga is a valued element of our Bonkers Beat programs. We continually see the incredible benefits of children and adults practicing yoga every day in many childcare services and homes.

What is yoga?

Yoga is a combination of movement, stretching and breathing that is intended to improve health as well as happiness. The United Nations recognises the value of yoga and offers this definition of the practice: “Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derived from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolising the union of body and consciousness.”

How yoga can enhance children’s lives (and adults!)

Yoga is an excellent way to do a lot of things. Let’s explore all the benefits you could find from practicing yoga with children or as an adult.

  1. Awareness of our bodies
    When we practice the physical postures of yoga or feel the rise and fall of our tummies during meditation, we become more aware of the connection between our physical and emotional states.
  2. Improve memory and concentration
    Said to be attributed to a combination of deep breathing and the learned ability to focus, yoga and meditation has benefits like improved concentration and memory.
  3. Better breathing
    You would think that we are all quite skilled at breathing, seeing as we do it all day, but mindful deep breaths have a special effect on our bodies such as increased oxygen absorption and even a longer life!
  4. A self-esteem boost
    Accomplishing a new move in yoga or seeing balance improve can go a long way to show children what they are capable of and boost their self-esteem.
  5. More flexibility and strength
    Regular yoga and meditation can enable us and children to move more freely and become strong and flexible.
  6. Learn to appreciate quiet and stillness
    Yoga and meditation in early childhood can be a path to feeling comfortable in silent moments, and mindful when we are still. This helps us to listen with attention and make informed decisions in our lives.
  7. Better sleep
    Most exercise has this impact and yoga is certainly no exception – regular practice can lead to better sleep, and deep breathing or meditation can be useful tools to help children fall asleep more easily too.
  8. Improved overall health
    Cardiovascular health, digestive health, the nervous system, regulated hormone levels, improved immunity, better sleep — the list of health benefits of yoga goes on and on!
  9. Better emotional awareness and control
    Deep breathing is an excellent tool to help calm children down when they aren’t able to control their behaviour in an outburst or ‘tantrum’ scenario. Teaching children to use this technique when required can lead to more awareness and control over their emotions.
  10. Connect with themselves and one another
    Yoga and meditation in early childhood settings can be a fun way to get more comfortable with one another and connect over something they enjoy!

Getting started with yoga

There are many ways to get started with using yoga to improve your health and wellbeing of your children.

All you need is 5 minutes to fit in yoga and meditation, a few quiet moments here and there or you can incorporate it as a regular experience in your day. For example, at Bonkers Beat Music Kinder, we start each day with a ‘Welcome a New Day’ session. This involves educators, children and even families participating in a 20 to 25-minute session of mindfulness exercises and a range of other wellbeing routines.

Yoga and meditation are great for children as a transitional tool. It allows them to reset after rest time or outdoor play when heading indoors to focus the mind onto a new experience or just to unwind.

Our Yoga Cards and meditation music can be a fantastic starting point. Children enjoy the fun of the yoga cards while being introduced to the benefits of yoga. You can find them in our store.

The Bonkers Beat programs incorporate daily yoga and meditation that children and adults alike LOVE. To learn more about our programs and the wellbeing initiatives within them, take a look here.

Focus in a world full of stimuli – 10 daily yoga & meditation benefits

Whether it’s television, tablets, toys, jobs to do or activities to attend, there’s no denying that today’s world is packed with stimuli. It’s a busy place for brains, whether you’re a young child or an adult. Taking a moment to clear your mind and reconnect with your body can help with gaining focus and moving forward positively. It’s time to squeeze in some yoga and meditation!

Experiencing the benefits of yoga and meditation in early childhood or as an adult doesn’t take much time or effort. You can reap the rewards and then proceed with your busy day in no time feeling more productive and focused than before.

You can fit in yoga and meditation in for five minutes here or there as needed, or incorporate it as a regular feature in your day. For example, at Bonkers Beat Music Kinder, we start each day with a ‘Welcome a New Day’ session. This involves educators, children and even families participating in a 20 to 25-minute session of either yoga, meditation or mindfulness exercises.

Yoga and meditation are great for children as a transitional tool, to reset after rest time, or outdoor play when moving inside, to focus the mind on to a new activity or just to unwind.

The many benefits of yoga and meditation in early childhood

As well as broadly assisting with focus and relaxation, yoga and meditation in early childhood has a range of benefits. Here are some reasons why we love yoga:

    1. Better breathing
    You would think that we are all quite skilled at breathing, seeing as we do it all day, but mindful deep breaths have a special effect on our bodies such as increased oxygen absorption and even a longer life!

    2. Improve memory and concentration
    Said to be attributed to a combination of deep breathing and the learned ability to focus, yoga and meditation has benefits like improved concentration and memory.

    3. Awareness of our bodies
    When we practice the physical postures of yoga or feel the rise and fall of our tummies during meditation, we become more aware of the connection between our physical and emotional states.

    4. More flexibility and strength
    Regular yoga and meditation can enable us and children to move more freely and become strong and flexible.

    5. Learn to appreciate quiet and stillness
    Yoga and meditation in early childhood can be a path to feeling comfortable in silent moments, and mindful when we are still. This helps us to listen with attention and make informed decisions in our lives.

    6. A self-esteem boost
    Accomplishing a new move in yoga or seeing balance improve can go a long way to show children what they are capable of and boost their self-esteem.

    7. Better emotional awareness and control
    Deep breathing is an excellent tool to help calm children down when they aren’t able to control their behaviour in an outburst or “tantrum” scenario. Teaching children to use this technique when required can lead to more awareness and control over their emotions.

    8. Improved overall health
    Cardiovascular health, digestive health, the nervous system, regulated hormone levels, improved immunity, better sleep — the list of health benefits of yoga go on and on!

    9. Better sleep
    Most exercise has this impact and yoga is certainly no exception – regular practice can lead to better sleep, and deep breathing or meditation can be useful tools to help children fall asleep more easily too.

    10. Connect with themselves and one another
    Yoga and meditation in early childhood settings can be a fun way to get more comfortable with one another and connect over something they enjoy!

If you’re finding that children need a means of escaping the overload of stimuli that we are all faced with daily, yoga and meditation could be perfect to incorporate into your centre.

To make it simple for children to get involved at home or in centres, we even created our very own Bonkers Beat Yoga Cards! Click here to take a look at them in our shop.

Connecting with the environment and self through yoga

Connectedness is a powerful feeling for adults and children alike. Creating connections with ourselves and others is important for development on many levels. Connecting with the environment is vital too. So how can we make these connections? One enjoyable and a highly beneficial way is through yoga.

The benefits of yoga anywhere, any time are amazing. While we have explored the many benefits of yoga for children before (take a look here!), taking yoga practice outdoors can offer further rewards. Let’s explore a few of them.

Three notable benefits of yoga outdoors

1. Reset an overloaded brain

Yoga is always a useful tool to relax, but taking it outside can actually enable the brain to recalibrate. Our bodies see nature as our natural environment and adding in the mindful activity of yoga or meditation while outdoors takes that calming effect to the next level.

2. Boost immunity

Fresh air is essential for good health, even in the colder months. In fact, many common colds are caused by spending too much time in confined indoor spaces. Take your deep yoga and meditation breathing exercises outside with children to gain the benefits of that fresh oxygen in their systems and yours.

3. Feel at one with nature

Children can use their observations of the outdoor environment to inspire their yoga. Standing tall like trees, stretching to the sky. Stretching to the side like a tree in the breeze. Many yoga poses use animals and nature so it makes sense to combine the two in real life!

International Yoga Day is coming up on Thursday 21 June — if you don’t currently practice yoga with children in your centre, maybe this could be a good day to start. Our  Bonkers Beat programs are incredibly valuable tools to help you bring the benefits of yoga for children (and adults) into your service too.

Enjoy your yoga practice and watch for yourself as children experience the physical, mental and emotional benefits of yoga and meditation combined with being outdoors.

Sing and Play for Father Child Engagement

While every family is different, quite often it is the mother of the family who has the most engagement in children’s early childhood education. This is for a variety of reasons and sometimes cannot be helped, but where possible it is really important to encourage fathers to grab hold of opportunities to participate in this crucial period of children’s development.

Research has demonstrated that high levels of positive father involvement result in higher levels of self-esteem in children and a range of studies have found favourable social, emotional, behavioural and educational outcomes. This is in addition to nurturing a beautiful father-child relationship that can flourish for a lifetime.

To help create more opportunities for fathers and children to engage and spend time together while enhancing children’s development, we invite dads to join us at Bonkers Beat ‘Sing & Play’ Group!

Offering educational and enjoyable experiences centres around music, wellbeing, Montessori and art, ‘Sing & Play’ Group takes place on Saturdays from 9.30am-10.30am and is suitable for children from 15 months to 3 years old. And your first session is FREE!

Get ready to:

  • build your child’s confidence and social skills through music
  • enhance creativity through art
  • improve wellbeing with stretching and breathing exercises
  • stimulate brain development with Montessori experiences
  • Have meaningful, quality FUN with your child!

It’s worth noting that increased father and child involvement benefits dads too. Fathers who spend quality time with their children feel more satisfied with their lives and experience more empathy, increased relationship happiness and overall improved sense of wellbeing.

Of course, mums are welcome too, as well as uncles, aunties and grandparents — the more loving and engaged adults in a child’s life, the better!

Try your first session free of charge then continue each Saturday throughout Term 2 at $12 per session. Around the same price as coffee and cake at the local café but with way more benefits for your child!

To register for our 1st session free, email info@bonkersbeat.com or call 9587 8786.

Can’t wait to see you!






A Point of Difference to Make All the Difference

Here we are in the middle of the year, and for many centres it has been a stressful first half with increasing occupancy challenges.

It was devastating to read a recent article in the Herald Sun (June 26) highlighting the struggle many centres are currently facing to stay open. While the end of financial year is a time most centres will increase rates, some have been forced to increase more than they would like just to cover costs as a result of low enrolments. Other centres have felt they have to cut back on educational programs and even staff. Truly heartbreaking.

In many areas there have been new centres popping up, putting further pressure on existing centres. While these centres present with new facilities that can be attractive to parents, what really counts is a centre’s philosophy and your point of difference.

Create a Point of Difference that Really Means Something

For most families, a philosophy that is in line with their family values or is proven to deliver benefits for their children’s development and wellbeing is more important than anything else. It doesn’t matter how new a centre is, but what the centre stands for and provides for children during this critical time of development.

In fact, this is the Bonkers Beat secret. Creating a point of difference point of difference for childcare centres that is based on empowering children and parents, as well as educators, by incorporating music and wellbeing programs that deliver outstanding results.

Stand Out From the Rest with a Fresh Approach

With the end of the financial year came the end of the LDCPDP funding which enabled many centres to do great things for their centres and children. And while the funding may be gone, we are not. As part of our mission to deliver the best start in life for children throughout Australia, we have restructured the pricing of our Bonkers Beat Music Program to demonstrate the exceptional value on offer.

If occupancy is holding your centre back and you’re ready to create a meaningful point of difference, there is no time like the present.

In fact, right now really is the best time to make a change at your centre, and here’s why:

-Mid-year enrolments: Many families enrol children in the middle of the year and will be looking for a centre right now. Give them a reason to choose you.

-Changes are expected: As daily fees change mid-year, it is often the case that centres make some changes at the same time. Make your changes something special.

-Families are searching now for next year: School choices are being finalised by parents and local kinder and childcare choices for next year are still researched. Stand out among the rest.

We’ve developed a free guide to help you discover how you can attract new families and create that special point of difference easily and affordably. Click here to access the Free Guide. You’ll learn how we help create a meaningful point of difference for childcare centres so you stand out and achieve your centre goals.

Yoga for Children on World Yoga Day – Get Involved!

Yoga used to be thought of as alternative or new age, but in 2017 it is widely celebrated for its many benefits and practiced by many.

Life is busy and at times stressful for adults as well as children. Just like we use yoga to take care of our bodies and clear our heads, children can too. And the benefits are just as amazing.

The wellbeing side of our Bonkers Beat programs is something we really believe in. With World Yoga Day coming up on 21 June, what better time to revisit why we encourage yoga for children.  And why you should help children in your centre or home to do yoga too!

Yoga for Improved Strength and Flexibility

It’s an obvious one, but strength and flexibility are really important as children are growing. Those agile little bodies can benefit from stronger muscles and joints, as well as better coordination and balance. Yoga boosts energy and helps to ensure the body is functioning at its best, inside and out. This means fewer injuries and health issues!

Yoga for Confidence and Self-Esteem

Yoga can be done alone or in groups and gives all children the opportunity to explore what their bodies are capable of. It is challenging but not competitive and encourages a belief in themselves and a celebration of their bodies and minds so children can feel empowered and confident to face the day.

Yoga for Relaxation and Stress Management

The breathing exercises that accompany yoga poses help to lower the heart rate and calm the body and mind. Children are quick to learn the calming, soothing nature of yoga and can be encouraged to use the breathing techniques in stressful situations. Learning yoga for children is a great tool for parents and educators to calm children too.

Yoga for Better Focus

There is so much going on and children want to be involved in everything. Help children to learn to focus on the present with yoga. It teaches children to be mindful: taking in each breath and moving between each pose, going slowly and steadily towards their goals.

Yoga for Enhancing and Supporting Wellbeing

As educators and parents, children’s overall wellbeing is our priority, and that’s why children should do yoga – there is no doubt that yoga gives children the tools they need to feel happy and healthy.

Want yoga, meditation and wellbeing updates to guide you on your journey with yoga for children? Follow us on Facebook.


At Bonkers Beat we believe in the benefits of wellbeing practices for life for all children – we also see educators enjoying the benefits of yoga too! Learn more about our wellbeing program and the learning outcomes it delivers here. For more information about becoming a member of the Bonkers Beat Music & Wellbeing family, click here.

Supporting One Another – Mental Health Week 2016

mental health of educators

With one in four adults experiencing mental health challenges at times in their lives, raising awareness of the mental health of educators is hugely important in early childhood education.

Held from October 9 – 15, 2016, Australia’s national Mental Health Week coincides with World Mental Health Day on October 10. The aim? To promote social and emotional wellbeing to communities.

Mental Health Impacts Care Quality

Mental health issues can affect people from all walks of life – including parents, educators and even children. In fact, recent research in the early childhood sector found that up to 38% of family day care providers met the criteria for depression. Alarmingly, the mental health of the early childhood educators was seen to have an impact on care quality and on the children in their care.

Educators, particularly educational leaders, need the support of families and their workplace to deliver the best outcomes for children’s wellbeing and learning.

Supporting Our Educators’ Mental Health

We recognise the importance of the mental health and wellbeing of educators, and it’s a focus in our professional development day: Wellness Works! The Complete Early Childhood Leaders Conference.

We have developed a range of effective strategies for educators and centres to employ to improve the wellbeing of educators, children in their care and even the families and community.

Our approach is a holistic one and a necessary one to tackle the issue of mental health in our society and to offer the best support to those who need it.

Through making wellness, music, yoga and meditation work for us, we have so many powerful and natural tools. These can assist in the development of resilience to protect against and deal with mental health issues, and the mental health of educators.

Support Mental Health Week, Support One Another

To give children the best start, we need to support the mental health of educators and educational leaders. Professional development that uses wellness and wellbeing as its focal point to enhance educators’ ability to educate, and children’s ability to learn effectively is just one option available.

Let’s use Mental Health Week to start making more effort to support those around us. Beyondblue has some fantastic resources, including some specifically for families, to guide you through how to offer support to others.






School photograph designed by Pressfoto – Freepik.com

Why Children Should Do Yoga

Our lives today can be busy and fast-paced – this goes for children too. Many adults now use yoga as a way of unwinding and taking care of their bodies, but did you know that children benefit from yoga too?

At Bonkers Beat we often talk about the benefits of music and our music program, but we are also passionate about our Bonkers Beat Gym wellbeing program. The wellbeing side of our program has a focus on incorporating meditation and yoga into children’s lives, so let’s take a look at why children should do yoga.


Yoga encourages children to be aware of what their bodies are doing and what they are capable of. The focus on the breath and actions encourages children to connect to their bodies and minds. They can learn how their different mindsets and approaches can bring about varying outcomes in their lives.


With so many distractions in our busy lives, it can be difficult to get children to focus – yoga can really help. Yoga teaches children to be present in taking each breath and moving between each pose, taking it slow to reach their goals.

Strength and Flexibility

Children’s bodies are naturally agile, so it’s a great time to continue to keep those joints and muscles limber. It’s not just about flexibility though. Yoga builds strength and balance, which will benefit children’s coordination, energy and the overall functioning of their bodies so they have fewer injuries and avoid many health issues.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

In a world full of images, children’s self-esteem is crucial and yoga teaches children to love themselves and be proud of what their bodies can do. Best of all, it’s a non-competitive form of exercise that demonstrates to children that we are all the same inside as we focus on breathing in and out all together, then standing tall to face the day.

Relaxation and Stress Management

The breathing exercises that accompany poses assist in lowering the heart rate and calming the body and mind. Children are quick to learn the calming, soothing nature of yoga and can be encouraged to use the breathing techniques in stressful situations.

Enhance and Support Wellbeing

As educators and parents, children’s overall wellbeing is our priority, and that’s why children should do yoga – there is no doubt that yoga gives children the tools they need to feel happy and healthy.

At Bonkers Beat we believe in the benefits of wellbeing practices for life for all children – we also see educators enjoying the benefits of yoga too! Learn more about our wellbeing program and the learning outcomes it delivers here. For more information about becoming a member of the Bonkers Beat Music & Wellbeing family, click here.

Why Yoga for Children is Important

There is a lot of information on social media of late about the importance of yoga and wellbeing for children. For many people it is often seen as ‘alternative’ or ‘new age’. However, there is real proof that yoga can improve academic performances, de stress children and encourage healthy food choices and eating. Yoga has so many health benefits, mental, physical and emotional, so it is no wonder more schools and kindergartens are making it a priority in their classrooms. At Bonkers Beat Kindergarten we have recently finished building the second yoga deck in our garden for toddlers. All children enjoy this daily activity as much as the educators love teaching it.

Here are some reasons why we love yoga:

Yoga teaches us about our bodies.

  • When we practice the physical postures or exercises (called asanas), we learn how to move more freely and with greater ease and awareness. These postures help our bodies become strong and flexible.

Yoga teaches us how to breathe better.

  • When we breathe deeply and fully (called pranayama) and become more aware, we can bring peacefulness or energy to our bodies.

Yoga teaches us how to use our energy more effectively.

  • When we practice yoga, we learn how to use the life force energy in our bodies (called prana) to feel more relaxed, focused, or motivated.

Yoga teaches us how to quiet the mind.

  • When we practice yoga, we learn how to be still. This helps us to listen with attention and make good decisions.

Yoga teaches us about balance.

  • When we practice yoga, we learn to be more aware about the need for balance in our lives. This could mean equal stretching on the left and right sides of our bodies or making sure we balance our very busy time with equal quiet time and relaxation.

Yoga teaches us to be the “boss” of our bodies.

  • Yoga teaches us to listen to our bodies by modifying or changing poses that are too hard or cause pain. (We will talk about how to modify poses in a later section.)

Yoga teaches us about taking care of ourselves.

  • Yoga is a great way to move our bodies and feel healthy. And teaching children how to take care of themselves is one way to show love. As with all forms of exercise, a good yoga practice can mean a good night’s sleep!

The beauty of yoga is that children can practice alone, with a friend or with a group.

For more information about the benefits of yoga, click here:

Yoga Journal  and the Daily Burn

To follow our Facebook page for yoga, meditation and wellbeing updates.

Information supplied by :- http://www.pbs.org/parents/food-and-fitness/sport-and-fitness/why-yoga-and-kids-go-together/


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